The Story Behind The Bag

Hi friends!
We are Stef & Jess, friends and moms of four wonderful little boys - Jessica has an 11 year old, Jackson, & Stefanie has three under 6 - James, Will, and Samuel.
During the holidays (and throughout the year), we noticed our homes overrun with toys. With the kids asking about Christmas and making their lists for Santa - well... it had these mama’s a little concerned.
For us, it is really important our kids understand the value of sharing and compassion for others. With the Hope Bag, we want to encourage our kids to share their toys and begin to understand that the best gifts aren’t wrapped at all.
Watching our kids learn this lesson was so rewarding and when they came to us excited to “share a toy” with another child they didn’t know - it made this whole project worth it.
Our goal is for the Hope Bag to help you teach lessons in compassion and giving - and bonus, declutter your home a bit! Thank you for your support, it means the world to us!
Stef & Jess